Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori

Diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori

Diagnostic Tests for detecting Helicobacter pylori infection.

Diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori are based on the typical characteristics of H.Pylori. Helicobacter pylori is a gram negative bacteria with rod shape that is spiral just like helical, and has five flagella at one end. let’s see which are Diagnostic test for helicobacter pylori?

Diagnostic test for helicobacter pylori are based on the typical characteristics of H.Pylori. The bacteria is capable of growing in a highly acidic environment of our stomach. In our stomach hydrochloric acid is secreted which digest the food into absorbable food constituents. If we take HCL from the stomach and add some iron filings in it, these filing would erode and dissolve, such strong acid is present in our stomach.

The thick and sticky mucus lays on the stomach to protect from the harsh corrosive action of stomach hydrochloric acid.

The helicobacter pylori infection is found in the acidic environment of the stomach. Many times the person does not show any symptoms. But after some years when the immune system becomes weaker the bacteria start forming ulcerations in the stomach. Ulcerations can turn very serious and cause cancer.Early detection and treatment is important to identify the H. pylori infection.

Antibiotic treatment and proton pump inhibitor treatment are effective and infection of Helicobacter Pylori get cleared from the stomach and upper GIT.

Diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori.

Presence of urease enzyme in H.pylori :

Helicobacter pylori is capable of breaking down urea into ammonium and carbon dioxide. Enzyme urease cand breakdown urea in to ammonium and carbon dioxide. Patient is asked to consume solution. Patient is given solution asked to take inside the stomach and the gas liberated through breath is collected. Air exhaled by the patient is collected from breath in a container and tested for presence of carbon dioxide, against the standard. If the amount of carbon dioxide is more than the patient is considered having helicobacter infection.

Polymerase chain reaction PCR:

This is one of the most reliable techniques to identify the presence of infection based on the detection of a small amount of DNA fragment of bacteria, Helicobacter pylori infection is detected even if there is very low count in the sample available.

Immunological examination:

Detecting Antigen in the sample with antibodies.

Endoscopic examination:

The presence of Helicobacter infection can be even diagnosed with endoscopic examination an expert gastroenterologist can identify the presence of typical infection of H. pylori and based on tests of the sample taken through endoscopy it can be confirmed.

Stool examination is done for presence of H. Pylori antigen by PCR  which is one of the tests for diagnosis of H. Pylori infection.

Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori
Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori


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