Category: Reasearch

  • Microbiolocal Selective media working principles

    Microbiolocal Selective media working principles

    Principles of Working of Selective Media in Microbiology. Why microbial media are selective media and what is the principle behind their selectivity. Microbiolocal Selective media working principles. Selective media are essential tools in microbiology used to isolate and differentiate specific groups of microorganisms from mixed samples. These media contain various components that favor the growth…

  • New Tuberculosis Vaccine developed that does not require to store at cool storage

    New Tuberculosis Vaccine which is a subunit vaccine for TB developed that does not require to store at cool cold storage found the problems with live attenuated TB vaccine can be eliminated with this new vaccine. Tuberculosis vaccine consist of live bacteria, mycobacterium bovis, its virulence is reduced by the process of attenuation, vaccine is…

  • What is a Clinical Trial Clinical Research

    What is Clinical Trial Clinical Research. Clinical trials is a activity to identify and develop a safe and effective medicine or a treatment for a disease, symptom of a disease. Patients or people participating in new research are at benifit of getting a latest newer treatment or medicine for the disease. Clinical Trial Definition: Clinical…

  • USFDA approves New Drug for treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection

    USFDA approves New Drug for treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection

    Novel drug Rebyota for treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection  USFDA have approved first of its kind new drug for treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection. The drug is used as microbial inoculam in rectum, drug Rebyota is made from the fecal matter donated by healthy volenteers, it consists of microbial microbiota which help in supression of…

  • USFDA approves first Gene Therapy Drug for Hemophilia B

    USFDA approves first Gene Therapy Drug for Hemophilia B

    What is Hemophilia B ? Patients affected with Hemophilia B suffer uncontrolled bleeding from any part of body from inside or from any damaged or wounded body part, some times without any bruise or any cut bleeding occurs from internal organs or oral cavity. Symptoms of Hemophilia B Patients affected with Hemophilia B suffer bleeding…

  • Treatment with RNA to heart muscle stronger

    Treatment with RNA to heart muscle stronger

    Treatment with RNA for heart, Research  Research on myocardium cells reveals protein which makes heart muscles weaker leading to heart failure. This protein can be blocked by RNA. In an experiment in animal model rat, it is found that a protein is responsible for worsening of heart damage in patient affected with ischemic heart diseases…

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